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English translation of cuerpo


The Spanish word 'cuerpo' is used in the same way as the English term 'body'. It is a general term referring to the physical structure of a human or animal. This can be used in a variety of contexts, like describing physical health, anatomy, or appearance. Example: Mi cuerpo no es capaz de tolerar el frío (My body is not able to tolerate the cold).

Example sentences using: cuerpo

Mi cuerpo se siente cansado después del ejercicio.

English translation of Mi cuerpo se siente cansado después del ejercicio.

My body feels tired after exercise.

This sentence is referring to physical exhaustion after working out. In Spanish, 'cuerpo' is used to describe one's body and in this context it can be understood as feeling physical exhaustion.

Debes cuidar de tu cuerpo para mantenerte saludable.

English translation of Debes cuidar de tu cuerpo para mantenerte saludable.

You must take care of your body to keep healthy.

This is an advice implying the importance of taking care of one's health and body. The Spanish word 'cuerpo' means 'body'.

El cuerpo humano es muy complejo.

English translation of El cuerpo humano es muy complejo.

The human body is very complex.

This sentence refers to the complexity of the human body. The term 'cuerpo' in this sentence refers to the human body.

La piel es el órgano más grande del cuerpo.

English translation of La piel es el órgano más grande del cuerpo.

The skin is the largest organ of the body.

In this sentence, 'cuerpo' is used to refer to the body as a whole, when talking about the skin as its largest organ.

Cada cuerpo es diferente y único.

English translation of Cada cuerpo es diferente y único.

Each body is different and unique.

This sentence is underscoring the individual uniqueness of every human body, where 'cuerpo' means 'body'.

El cuerpo necesita agua para funcionar correctamente.

English translation of El cuerpo necesita agua para funcionar correctamente.

The body needs water to function properly.

This sentence speaks to the necessity of water for the proper functioning of the body. In this context, 'cuerpo' specifically refers to the human body.

Mi cuerpo reacciona mal a la comida picante.

English translation of Mi cuerpo reacciona mal a la comida picante.

My body reacts badly to spicy food.

In this sentence, 'cuerpo' is used to refer to a physical response or condition related to eating spicy food.

La danza es una hermosa expresión del cuerpo.

English translation of La danza es una hermosa expresión del cuerpo.

Dance is a beautiful expression of the body.

This sentence personifies the 'body' or 'cuerpo' as a tool of expression, particularly in the art form of dance.

Su cuerpo fue encontrado esta mañana.

English translation of Su cuerpo fue encontrado esta mañana.

His body was found this morning.

In a more serious context, this sentence uses 'cuerpo' in reference to finding deceased individuals.

Me encanta cómo se ve mi cuerpo después de entrenar.

English translation of Me encanta cómo se ve mi cuerpo después de entrenar.

I love how my body looks after training.

This sentence is referring to the physical appearance changes one may experience after physical exercise. Here, 'cuerpo' refers to one's body.

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