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English translation of cuerda


The Spanish word 'cuerda' translates to 'rope' in English. It can refer to a long, string-like material that is often made from various fibrous or synthetic materials. Ropes have a variety of uses, including lifting or pulling objects, tying things together, and various forms of recreation like climbing or jump rope. In musical context, 'cuerda' can also refer to a string in stringed musical instruments.

Example sentences using: cuerda

Ella compra una nueva cuerda para saltar

English translation of Ella compra una nueva cuerda para saltar

She buys a new jumping rope

In this sentence, 'cuerda' is used to refer to a 'rope', specifically a jumping rope. This is a direct usage of the word.

Estoy al final de mi cuerda

English translation of Estoy al final de mi cuerda

I am at the end of my rope

In this case, 'cuerda' is used metaphorically to express being in a state of exasperation or at the limit of one's endurance, just like the English phrase 'at the end of my rope'.

Asegúrate de atar bien la cuerda

English translation of Asegúrate de atar bien la cuerda

Make sure to tie the rope well

In this phrase, 'cuerda' is used in a context of ensuring safety by tying a rope securely, illustrating its literal meaning of a physical rope or cord.

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