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English translation of cuenta


The Spanish word 'cuenta' is commonly used to refer to an 'account'. It can be specifically used to refer to different types of accounts like bank account (cuenta bancaria), email account (cuenta de correo electrónico), or account on a social network (cuenta de redes sociales). For example, 'Tengo una cuenta en el banco' translates to 'I have an account at the bank'. This word can also mean 'bill' or 'check' in a restaurant setting, but for the purpose of this translation we are focusing on its primary meaning.

Example sentences using: cuenta

Me di cuenta de que estaba perdido.

English translation of Me di cuenta de que estaba perdido.

I realized that I was lost.

This sentence can be used when expressing realization about something. Cuenta here refers to realization or understanding.

Necesito abrir una cuenta.

English translation of Necesito abrir una cuenta.

I need to open an account.

This sentence can be used in situations where you need to open an account, like at a bank or a new application. Cuenta here refers to an account.

¿Cuánto cuesta la cuenta?

English translation of ¿Cuánto cuesta la cuenta?

How much does the bill cost?

This sentence is usually used in restaurants or cafes when you want to ask about the total cost of your order. Cuenta here refers to the bill.

Por favor, toma en cuenta.

English translation of Por favor, toma en cuenta.

Please, take into account.

This phrase is used when you want someone to consider or understand something. Cuenta here means account, with a figurative meaning of consideration.

Esto es a cuenta de la cena de ayer.

English translation of Esto es a cuenta de la cena de ayer.

This is on account of yesterday's dinner.

This sentence is often used when referring to something that serves as a payment or compensation for something else. Cuenta here refers to account, indicating compensation or payment.

Déjame hacer la cuenta.

English translation of Déjame hacer la cuenta.

Let me do the math.

This phrase can be used when you want to calculate something. Cuenta in this instance translates as math or calculation.

Voy a cerrar mi cuenta de Facebook.

English translation of Voy a cerrar mi cuenta de Facebook.

I'm going to close my Facebook account.

This sentence can be used when you want to deactivate or close an online account. Cuenta here means account.

Ella cuenta con tu ayuda.

English translation of Ella cuenta con tu ayuda.

She counts on your help.

This is used to express that someone relies or depends on you. In this context, cuenta means count in the sense of relying on.

ESA cuenta tiene cinco letras.

English translation of ESA cuenta tiene cinco letras.

That word has five letters.

This sentence can be used to count things in general. Cuenta here refers to count in the sense of counting the number of items.

Cuenta hasta diez.

English translation of Cuenta hasta diez.

Count to ten.

This statement is often used in situations where you are telling someone to calm down or be patient. Cuenta here refers to count in the sense of numerical counting.

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