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English translation of crucifijo


The Spanish word 'crucifijo' translates to 'crucifix' in English. It represents a religious symbol in Christianity, specifically depicting Jesus on the cross. It is used predominantly in worship and rituals, and it also serves as a reminder of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for humanity. The term is derived from Latin 'crucifixus', meaning 'fixed to a cross'.

Example sentences using: crucifijo

La iglesia tiene un crucifijo en la pared.

English translation of La iglesia tiene un crucifijo en la pared.

The church has a crucifix on the wall.

This sentence reflects a common place where one might find a 'crucifijo' (a church). The crucifix is the object of the sentence, and its location (on the wall) is specified.

El crucifijo es un símbolo de fe para muchos.

English translation of El crucifijo es un símbolo de fe para muchos.

The crucifix is a symbol of faith for many.

This sentence shows the use of 'crucifijo' (crucifix) in a basic noun phrase. The Spanish noun 'crucifijo' is used here as the subject of the sentence, describing it as a symbol of faith.

Adornó su habitación con un crucifijo antiguo.

English translation of Adornó su habitación con un crucifijo antiguo.

She adorned her room with an old crucifix.

In this example, 'crucifijo' is used as the object of a sentence. The action being performed (adornar) is being done to the crucifix.

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