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crítico de cine

English translation of crítico de cine

film critic

The Spanish term 'crítico de cine' translates to 'film critic' in English. This term refers to a person whose job is to write or broadcast their expert opinion and analysis about movies. They typically review films in publications, broadcast media, or online platforms, considering aspects such as plot, theme, cinematography, editing, performances, and overall execution. Their insights often inform audiences and can impact a movie's popularity and reception.

Example sentences using: crítico de cine

Mi hermano quiere ser un crítico de cine famoso.

English translation of Mi hermano quiere ser un crítico de cine famoso.

My brother wants to be a famous film critic.

In this sentence, 'crítico de cine' is used to describe a profession. It shows the person has intent to evaluate and critique films in a public sphere, often via written reviews. The use of 'quiero ser' ('wants to be') indicates a future ambition.

El crítico de cine comentó sobre la última película de Tarantino.

English translation of El crítico de cine comentó sobre la última película de Tarantino.

The film critic commented on Tarantino's latest movie.

This sentence describes an activity performed by a 'crítico de cine' ('film critic'). The use of 'comentó sobre' ('commented on') indicates that the critic is providing an analysis or opinion on a specific film.

Según el crítico de cine, la película no era original.

English translation of Según el crítico de cine, la película no era original.

According to the film critic, the film was not original.

In this example, the 'crítico de cine' is presented as a figure of authority. Their opinion, as introduced by 'según' ('according to'), is used to support a judgment about a movie.

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