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English translation of creyente


The Spanish word 'creyente' translates to 'believer' in English. This term is generally used to refer someone who believes or has faith, especially in a religious context. For instance, it can be used to describe someone who believes in a particular religion, or in the doctrines and teachings of that religion. 'Creyente' carries much the same connotations as its English equivalent and can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who has a firm belief in non-religious ideas or principles.

Example sentences using: creyente

José es un creyente dedicado a su fe.

English translation of José es un creyente dedicado a su fe.

José is a believer dedicated to his faith.

In this example, the term 'creyente' is used to refer to someone who has a strong belief, specifically in their faith or religion. The phrase highlights the dedication and commitment of the person, José, towards his spiritual beliefs.

La iglesia está llena de creyentes cada domingo.

English translation of La iglesia está llena de creyentes cada domingo.

The church is full of believers every Sunday.

This sentence implies a regular collective gathering of 'creyentes', or believers, at a church. Here, 'creyente' refers to those who participate in the religious rituals of the church. The sentence provides information about the consistency of faith and participation in religious activities among the believers.

Como creyente, Maria siempre ora antes de dormir.

English translation of Como creyente, Maria siempre ora antes de dormir.

As a believer, Maria always prays before sleeping.

This phrase uses 'creyente' to highlight Maria's actions that are influenced by her beliefs. Maria's prayer routine is revealed as a practice stemming from her identity as a 'creyente', someone who believes, typically in a religious sense. Here, the term 'creyente' is not a suffix but stands alone.

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