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crema reductora

English translation of crema reductora

reducing cream

The term 'crema reductora' in Spanish refers to 'reducing cream' in English. In a beauty or skincare context, this is a type of cream that is used with the goal of reducing certain aspects such as fat or cellulite on the body. These creams are typically applied topically and may contain a variety of ingredients intended to penetrate the skin and increase fat metabolism at the site, leading to a reduction of fat in the applied area. However, the effectiveness of such creams varies and they should not be relied upon exclusively for fat or weight loss.

Example sentences using: crema reductora

Estoy usando una nueva crema reductora para perder peso.

English translation of Estoy usando una nueva crema reductora para perder peso.

I'm using a new slimming cream to lose weight.

This Spanish phrase describes the use of a slimming cream by the speaker with the goal of losing weight. Reductora means 'reducing or slimming', and crema means 'cream'.

La crema reductora puede ayudar a tonificar la piel.

English translation of La crema reductora puede ayudar a tonificar la piel.

The slimming cream can help to tone the skin.

This Spanish phrase suggests that the slimming cream (crema reductora) can assist in toning the skin. 'Puede ayudar a' means 'it can help to' and 'tonificar la piel' means 'tone the skin'.

Debo aplicar la crema reductora antes de hacer ejercicio.

English translation of Debo aplicar la crema reductora antes de hacer ejercicio.

I should apply the slimming cream before exercising.

In this example, the speaker communicates that they need to apply the slimming cream (crema reductora) prior to engaging in exercise. 'Debo aplicar la' means 'I should apply the' and 'antes de hacer ejercicio' means 'before exercising'.

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