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creer en la reencarnación

English translation of creer en la reencarnación

believe in reincarnation

The Spanish phrase 'creer en la reencarnación' translates to 'believe in reincarnation' in English. In this phrase, 'creer' means 'believe', 'en' means 'in', and 'la reencarnación' means 'the reincarnation'. This phrase expresses the belief in the idea that an individual's soul, upon death of the body, comes back to earth in another body or form. This concept is a central part of several religious philosophies, including Hinduism and Buddhism.

Example sentences using: creer en la reencarnación

A pesar de ser ateo, Pedro dice creer en la reencarnación.

English translation of A pesar de ser ateo, Pedro dice creer en la reencarnación.

Despite being an atheist, Pedro says he believes in reincarnation.

This sentence talks about Pedro, who, even though he does not subscribe to any religious beliefs (an atheist), claims that he believes in the concept of life after death (reincarnation). Here, 'creer en la reencarnación' is incorporated at the middle of the sentence.

¿Realmente piensas que debería creer en la reencarnación?

English translation of ¿Realmente piensas que debería creer en la reencarnación?

Do you really think I should believe in reincarnation?

This phrase is a question indicating skepticism or doubt about the concept of reincarnation. The speaker asks if they should believe in reincarnation, integrating 'creer en la reencarnación' within the question itself.

Si llegas a creer en la reencarnación, tu perspectiva sobre la vida puede cambiar completamente.

English translation of Si llegas a creer en la reencarnación, tu perspectiva sobre la vida puede cambiar completamente.

If you come to believe in reincarnation, your perspective on life can change completely.

In this example, the phrase communicates a possibility or hypothetical situation where someone's belief in reincarnation could cause a drastic change in their life outlook. Here, 'creer en la reencarnación' introduces the conditional clause in the sentence.

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