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creer en Dios

English translation of creer en Dios

believe in God

The Spanish phrase 'creer en Dios' translates to 'believe in God' in English. This phrase is used in religious contexts to express the concept of faith in a divine entity, namely God. This phrase could be used in a statement like 'I believe in God' or 'Do you believe in God?' The verb 'creer' is conjugated according to the subject, so it may change form based on who is doing the believing.

Example sentences using: creer en Dios

Si no puedes creer en Dios, al menos respeta las creencias de los demás.

English translation of Si no puedes creer en Dios, al menos respeta las creencias de los demás.

If you can't believe in God, at least respect the beliefs of others.

The phrase expresses a tolerance for others' beliefs, emphasizing that even in the absence of shared faith, one should uphold mutual respect for differing viewpoints.

Es importante que creas en Dios para nuestra familia.

English translation of Es importante que creas en Dios para nuestra familia.

It's important that you believe in God for our family.

The target text belongs to a personal conversation expressing the speaker's sentiment about the significance of religious faith to familial bonds.

Los niños aprenden desde muy pequeños a creer en Dios en la escuela dominical.

English translation of Los niños aprenden desde muy pequeños a creer en Dios en la escuela dominical.

Children learn to believe in God from a very young age in Sunday school.

In this context, the speaker is referring to the early introduction of religious teachings to young kids in contexts such as a Sunday school.

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