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cotizar en bolsa

English translation of cotizar en bolsa

stock exchange

The term 'cotizar en bolsa' is a Spanish phrase utilized in finance and commerce. It directly translates to 'to be listed on the stock exchange' in English. This term is typically used to denote when a company's shares are publicly traded on a stock exchange, allowing investors to buy and sell those shares. In essence, the phrase refers to a company's leap from private ownership to public trading, granting it an expanded ability to raise funds through the sale of equity.

Example sentences using: cotizar en bolsa

Mi empresa empezará a cotizar en bolsa la próxima semana.

English translation of Mi empresa empezará a cotizar en bolsa la próxima semana.

My company will start trading on the stock market next week.

This sentence suggests that the speaker's company will begin public trading, specifically on the stock exchange, the following week.

Cotizar en bolsa puede ser un gran paso para las empresas emergentes.

English translation of Cotizar en bolsa puede ser un gran paso para las empresas emergentes.

Going public can be a big step for emerging companies.

The sentence implies that for burgeoning businesses, launching an initial public offering and beginning to trade on a stock exchange could represent significant growth and progression.

Para poder cotizar en bolsa, una empresa debe cumplir con ciertos requisitos.

English translation of Para poder cotizar en bolsa, una empresa debe cumplir con ciertos requisitos.

In order to go public, a company must meet certain requirements.

This sentence suggests that there are specific criteria a company must satisfy to be eligible for public trading on the stock exchange.

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