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English translation of cosechar


The Spanish word 'cosechar' translates to 'harvest' in English. It is often used in the context of agriculture, where it refers to the process of gathering ripe crops from the fields. However, it can also be used metaphorically to express the result of any work or effort. For example, one can 'cosechar' the benefits of hard work. Like many Spanish verbs, 'cosechar' can be conjugated differently based on tense, mood and subject.

Example sentences using: cosechar

Los agricultores tienen que cosechar los cultivos antes de la temporada de lluvias.

English translation of Los agricultores tienen que cosechar los cultivos antes de la temporada de lluvias.

Farmers have to harvest the crops before the rainy season.

The sentence explains a common practice in the farming industry where crops are usually harvested before the rainy season to avoid potential damage often caused by excessive rain.

Espero cosechar los beneficios de mi trabajo duro en el futuro.

English translation of Espero cosechar los beneficios de mi trabajo duro en el futuro.

I hope to reap the rewards of my hard work in the future.

This sentence uses the word 'cosechar' in the sense of 'reaping rewards', akin to how the fruits of one's labor are metaphorically 'harvested' as rewards or benefits. In this context, the speaker looks forward to future success as a result of their hard work.

Si siembras buenas acciones, cosecharás felicidad.

English translation of Si siembras buenas acciones, cosecharás felicidad.

If you sow good deeds, you will reap happiness.

This sentence is a metaphorical use of the terms 'sew' and 'reap', relating to the sowing of crops and the harvesting of the yield. It implies that good actions can result in a 'harvest of happiness', functioning as a moral lesson.

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