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corto (metraje)

English translation of corto (metraje)

short (measure)

The term 'corto (metraje)' in Spanish translates to 'short (measure)' in English. It is commonly used in the domain of film and cinema. In this specific context, it refers to a short film or a movie that is significantly shorter than the average length of a feature film. This term can also be used in other contexts to denote something of short length or duration.

Example sentences using: corto (metraje)

Es un cortometraje muy emocionante.

English translation of Es un cortometraje muy emocionante.

It's a very moving short film.

This sentence is expressing an emotional reaction to a specific short film. The speaker found the film to be very touching or moving.

Su cortometraje ganó un premio en el festival de cine.

English translation of Su cortometraje ganó un premio en el festival de cine.

His short film won an award at the film festival.

This sentence is denoting a situation where a specific person's short film has won an award at a film festival. It showcases the recognition of the short film at an event.

Estoy produciendo un cortometraje para mi clase de cine.

English translation of Estoy produciendo un cortometraje para mi clase de cine.

I am producing a short film for my cinema class.

This sentence is communicating the speaker's current activity. The speaker is in the process of producing a short film for a cinema class they are taking.

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