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English translation of cortaúñas


The word 'cortaúñas' is incorrect's translation. In English, it translates to 'nail clippers' and not 'shorts'. 'Cortaúñas' are a handheld tool used to trim fingernails and toenails. They are usually made of metal and have sharp edges to cut the nails cleanly. This tool is a common item found in grooming kits and is a basic hygiene necessity.

Example sentences using: cortaúñas

¿Has visto mi cortaúñas?

English translation of ¿Has visto mi cortaúñas?

Have you seen my nail clipper?

In this case, the speaker is asking if the listener has seen their nail clipper. The word 'cortaúñas' is used to refer to the person’s, in this case the speaker's, nail clipper.

Necesito comprar un cortaúñas nuevo.

English translation of Necesito comprar un cortaúñas nuevo.

I need to buy a new nail clipper.

This sentence is used to express a personal need for a new nail clipper, 'cortaúñas' being the word for 'nail clipper' in Spanish.

El cortaúñas está en el baño.

English translation of El cortaúñas está en el baño.

The nail clipper is in the bathroom.

In this example, the speaker is informing the listener about the location of a nail clipper. The speaker uses the word 'cortaúñas' to refer to a 'nail clipper' in the bathroom.

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