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corroborar una teoría

English translation of corroborar una teoría

corroborate a theory

'Corroborar una teoría' in Spanish is 'to corroborate a theory' in English. It means to provide evidence or give support to a theory or an idea that had previously been proposed. It is about confirming the validity of a theory or belief based on factual or observable evidence. It is frequently used in science, law, and day-to-day conversations.

Example sentences using: corroborar una teoría

Para corroborar una teoría, es esencial recolectar evidencia empírica.

English translation of Para corroborar una teoría, es esencial recolectar evidencia empírica.

To corroborate a theory, it is essential to collect empirical evidence.

This sentence implies the necessary step of gathering empirical evidence in order to verify or support a theory, underlining the scientific method's importance.

Los experimentos del científico están diseñados para corroborar una teoría.

English translation of Los experimentos del científico están diseñados para corroborar una teoría.

The scientist's experiments are designed to corroborate a theory.

In this context, the phrase stresses the purpose of scientific experiments, which is to either validate or refute a proposed theory.

Aún falta corroborar una teoría del origen del universo.

English translation of Aún falta corroborar una teoría del origen del universo.

A theory about the origin of the universe is yet to be corroborated.

This expression addresses the ongoing scientific efforts to verify theories related to the origins of the universe, emphasizing that this process is incomplete.

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