corroborate a hypothesis
The Spanish phrase 'corroborar una hipótesis' translates to 'to corroborate a hypothesis' in English. To corroborate something refers to the act of making sure, further strengthening, or confirming the truth or accuracy of it. In this case, a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence which is then a starting point for further investigations. Hence 'corroborar una hipótesis' involves providing more evidence or performing more tests to support a initially proposed hypothesis.
We need more evidence to corroborate a hypothesis.
This example uses 'corroborar una hipótesis' in a sentence which states a need for more evidence for a hypothesis to be substantiated or proven.
He carried out the experiment to corroborate a hypothesis.
This example sentence expresses that the purpose of conducting an experiment is to validate or refute a stated hypothesis, signifying the use of 'corroborar una hipótesis'.
His recent discovery helped to corroborate a hypothesis.
In this example sentence, the use of 'corroborar una hipótesis' illustrates the validation of a hypothesis through a recent discovering.