call the elections
The phrase 'convocar (las) elecciones' in Spanish translates to 'call the elections' in English. It is typically used in the context of politics, where a governing body or official has the power to 'convocar elecciones', or 'call elections'. This process is a way to ask the public to vote, either for a new official, or on a specific issue or policy. The use of 'las' before 'elecciones' is optional and depends on context, but with or without it, the meaning remains the same.
The president has just called for elections in January.
In Spanish, the verb 'convocar' is used when someone, usually an authority like the President, 'calls for' or announces something like elections. Here, the elections are being called for January.
Calling for elections is the prime minister's responsibility.
Here the verb 'convocar' is being used to communicate the responsibility of a certain person — in this case, the Prime Minister. The verb is responsible for stating the calling for elections.
We need to call for elections immediately to avoid more conflicts.
In this example, the use of 'convocar' expresses a need or requirement to do something. The statement suggests that calling for elections immediately is necessary to avoid further conflicts.