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convertirse al islamismo

English translation of convertirse al islamismo

becoming muslim

The Spanish phrase 'convertirse al islamismo' translates to 'becoming Muslim' in English. It refers to the act of adopting and committing to the teachings and practices of the Islamic faith. The verb 'convertirse' means 'to become' or 'to change oneself into', while 'al islamismo' refers to 'Islam', one of the world's major monotheistic religions.

Example sentences using: convertirse al islamismo

Mi primo decidió convertirse al islamismo después de muchos años de estudio.

English translation of Mi primo decidió convertirse al islamismo después de muchos años de estudio.

My cousin decided to convert to Islam after many years of study.

In this sentence, we're talking about someone who, after a long period of studying the religion, makes the decision to convert to Islam. They consider Islam to be the truth, the correct belief to adhere to.

No te presiono para convertirte al islamismo, es una decisión que debes tomar tú solo.

English translation of No te presiono para convertirte al islamismo, es una decisión que debes tomar tú solo.

I'm not pressuring you to convert to Islam, it's a decision you must make on your own.

This sentence involves a person advising another not to be pressured to make a decision about their belief system. The speaker insists that the decision to convert to Islam should be an independent choice.

Para convertirse al islamismo, hay que creer en la enseñanza del Corán.

English translation of Para convertirse al islamismo, hay que creer en la enseñanza del Corán.

To convert to Islam, one needs to believe in the teachings of the Quran.

This sentence refers to the conversion to Islam as being conditional upon believing in the teachings of the Quran, the holy book of Muslims. Conversion to Islam requires a deep understanding and acceptance of these teachings.

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