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convertirse al cristianismo

English translation of convertirse al cristianismo

becoming christian

The Spanish phrase 'convertirse al cristianismo' translates to 'becoming Christian' in English. This verb phrase is typically used to describe the process of a person adopting Christian beliefs and practices in their own life. It might be used in a sentence to describe someone's personal faith journey, or in a broader historical or sociological context to describe shifts in religious demographics.

Example sentences using: convertirse al cristianismo

El rey decidió convertirse al cristianismo para unificar su reino bajo una sola religión.

English translation of El rey decidió convertirse al cristianismo para unificar su reino bajo una sola religión.

The king decided to convert to Christianity to unify his kingdom under one religion.

This sentence implies that a king, in a strategic move, decided to become Christian in order to unite his kingdom under one single religion.

Mi madre teme que su amiga quiera convertirse al cristianismo solo por amor.

English translation of Mi madre teme que su amiga quiera convertirse al cristianismo solo por amor.

My mother fears that her friend wants to convert to Christianity just for love.

This sentence refers to the concern of a person (the speaker's mother) about a friend who might be considering converting their religion (to Christianity) out of romantic interest.

Muchas personas deciden convertirse al cristianismo después de haber tenido experiencias espirituales.

English translation of Muchas personas deciden convertirse al cristianismo después de haber tenido experiencias espirituales.

Many people decide to convert to Christianity after having spiritual experiences.

This sentence is about people choosing to convert to Christianity following spiritual experiences. It suggests that having such experiences can lead individuals to make religious changes.

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