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English translation of convertirse


The Spanish word 'convertirse' is used in similar scenarios as the English word 'become'. It is used to express change or transformation. For example, 'He wants to become a doctor' translates to 'El quiere convertirse en un médico'. Note that the preposition 'en' is usually used after 'convertirse'.

Example sentences using: convertirse

El agua va a convertirse en hielo si la dejas en el congelador.

English translation of El agua va a convertirse en hielo si la dejas en el congelador.

The water is going to turn into ice if you leave it in the freezer.

In this example, the verb 'convertirse' is used to express a change of state, where water becomes ice because it's put in freezing conditions.

La oruga va a convertirse en mariposa.

English translation of La oruga va a convertirse en mariposa.

The caterpillar is going to turn into a butterfly.

Here 'convertirse' is again used to indicate change of state or transformation, showing the natural process where a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

El niño soñaba con convertirse en astronauta.

English translation of El niño soñaba con convertirse en astronauta.

The boy dreamt of becoming an astronaut.

In this example, 'convertirse' is used to express the aspiration or goal of the boy to become something different in future specifically an astronaut.

Los materiales reciclables pueden convertirse en nuevos productos.

English translation of Los materiales reciclables pueden convertirse en nuevos productos.

Recyclable materials can turn into new products.

This example illustrates the use of convertirse to talk about the potential transformation one substance to another, with the context of recycling.

La empresa aspira a convertirse en líder del mercado.

English translation of La empresa aspira a convertirse en líder del mercado.

The company aspires to become a market leader.

This example showcases the use of 'convertirse' to describe the ambition of a company to change its status to be one of more prestige: a market leader.

Es posible convertirse en ciudadano a través de la naturalización.

English translation of Es posible convertirse en ciudadano a través de la naturalización.

It is possible to become a citizen through naturalization.

Here 'convertirse' is used to describe the process wherein a person changes status to become a citizen of a country through the process of naturalization.

Ella está estudiando para convertirse en abogada.

English translation of Ella está estudiando para convertirse en abogada.

She is studying to become a lawyer.

In this instance, 'convertirse' describes the transformation that the woman is aiming for through education, with the goal to become a lawyer.

El vino puede convertirse en vinagre si se deja abrir por mucho tiempo.

English translation of El vino puede convertirse en vinagre si se deja abrir por mucho tiempo.

Wine can turn into vinegar if it is left open for a long time.

This example underlines the use of 'convertirse' to depict a natural process wherein wine left opened for a long time will become vinegar.

La semilla debe convertirse en árbol.

English translation of La semilla debe convertirse en árbol.

The seed must turn into a tree.

In this sentence, 'convertirse' represents the natural transformation process of growth where a seed becomes a tree.

Si continúa entrenando duro, se podría convertir en el próximo campeón mundial.

English translation of Si continúa entrenando duro, se podría convertir en el próximo campeón mundial.

If he continues training hard, he could become the next world champion.

In this sentence, 'convertirse' is used to highlight a potential future outcome, a champion, based on the present actions of the subject.

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