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English translation of convento


The Spanish word 'convento' translates to 'convent' in English. It is a noun that is used to refer to a community of priests, monks or nuns living under religious vows. It is generally a place where such religious individuals live, pray and often work. This term is associated with peace, tranquility, and spiritual devotion. The word has Latin origins, specifically from the term 'conventum' which means assembly or meeting. Through history, convents have played significant roles in religion and society, offering a space for worship, education, and charity.

Example sentences using: convento

El convento está tranquilo a esta hora de la tarde.

English translation of El convento está tranquilo a esta hora de la tarde.

The convent is quiet at this time in the afternoon.

This sentence explains a general observation at a specific time in the convent, reflecting tranquillity in the evening.

Mi tía es una monja en el convento.

English translation of Mi tía es una monja en el convento.

My aunt is a nun at the convent.

In this sentence, the familial relation is being stated to a nun living in the convent.

El viejo convento fue convertido en un museo.

English translation of El viejo convento fue convertido en un museo.

The old convent was converted into a museum.

This sentence tells about transformation of a convent into a museum, indicating a change in its usage from a religious site to a touristic or educational location.

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