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English translation of contagio


The Spanish word 'contagio' translates to 'contagion' in English. It is used in reference to the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact. Also refers to the process by which a certain behavior, attitude, or emotion is unknowingly transmitted from one individual to another in close proximity.

Example sentences using: contagio

La pandemia resultó en un contagio masivo.

English translation of La pandemia resultó en un contagio masivo.

The pandemic resulted in a massive contagion.

This sentence is referring to a large-scale spread of a disease, specifically during a pandemic. 'Contagio' here is used to refer to the spread or transmission of a disease.

Las medidas preventivas pueden reducir el riesgo de contagio.

English translation of Las medidas preventivas pueden reducir el riesgo de contagio.

Preventive measures can reduce the risk of contagion.

The sentence talks about taking preventive health measures to lessen the risk of getting infected or spreading an infection to others. The term 'contagio' represents the risk of spreading a disease in this context.

El contagio del virus se puede evitar con una buena higiene.

English translation of El contagio del virus se puede evitar con una buena higiene.

The contagion of the virus can be avoided with good hygiene.

This sentence emphasises on the importance of maintaining good hygiene to prevent the spread, or 'contagio', of a virus. The term 'contagio' means the transmission or spreading of a disease, particularly a virus in this context.

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