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contagiar un virus

English translation of contagiar un virus

infected a virus

The Spanish phrase 'contagiar un virus' translates to 'infect a virus' in English. In a medical context, this phrase is used when a virus is transmitted or spread from one being (human or otherwise) to another. This can occur through various modes, including direct or indirect physical contact, airborne transmission, and more. Understanding such phrases can be crucial in times of global health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, where speedy and clear communication about viral infections is of utmost importance.

Example sentences using: contagiar un virus

Es posible contagiar un virus incluso cuando no presentas síntomas.

English translation of Es posible contagiar un virus incluso cuando no presentas síntomas.

It's possible to spread a virus even when you don't have symptoms.

This sentence highlights the fact that viruses can be spread by asymptomatic carriers, people who are infected but do not show signs of sickness.

Las medidas de higiene pueden prevenir que contagiemos un virus.

English translation of Las medidas de higiene pueden prevenir que contagiemos un virus.

Hygiene measures can prevent the spread of a virus.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of hygiene practices in reducing the risk of transmitting viruses to others.

Para evitar contagiar un virus, es necesario vacunarse.

English translation of Para evitar contagiar un virus, es necesario vacunarse.

To avoid spreading a virus, it's necessary to get vaccinated.

This phrase underscores the role of vaccinations in preventing the transmission of viruses, by imparting immunity to the vaccinated individual.

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