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English translation of consumo


The Spanish word 'consumo' translates in English to 'consumption'. This term can be used in various contexts such as economics, where it indicates the purchase of goods and services by the public, ecology, where it refers to the use of resources by organisms, and even medicine, where it can refer to a wasting disease like tuberculosis. Therefore, the exact use of the term 'consumo' will usually depend on the specific field or context it is used in.

Example sentences using: consumo

El consumo de agua en mi ciudad es muy alto.

English translation of El consumo de agua en mi ciudad es muy alto.

The water consumption in my city is very high.

This sentence is indicating that the amount of water being used in the speaker's city is on the higher end. It's common to use 'consumo' when referring to the usage or utilization of a resource, in this case, water.

Este coche tiene un bajo consumo de gasolina.

English translation of Este coche tiene un bajo consumo de gasolina.

This car has a low gas consumption.

The speaker is discussing the efficiency of a car in relation to its fuel usage. In this context, 'consumo' relates to the amount of gasoline a vehicle uses, and 'bajo' implies this particular car does not use much gasoline.

El consumo de energía eléctrica ha aumentado en los últimos años.

English translation of El consumo de energía eléctrica ha aumentado en los últimos años.

The electricity consumption has increased over the last few years.

This sentence addresses the subject of how the use (or 'consumo') of a certain resource - in this case, electrical energy - has changed over time. The speaker is saying that there has been a rise in the amount of this resource that is being utilized in recent years.

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