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consulta del dentista

English translation of consulta del dentista

dentist consultation

The term 'consulta del dentista' in Spanish translates to 'dentist consultation' in English. This usually means an appointment or meeting with a dentist to check the health condition of one's teeth. This can also include discussions regarding any dental procedures, cleanings, or treatments that may be required. Remember, regular 'consulta del dentista' is essential to maintain healthy dental hygiene.

Example sentences using: consulta del dentista

No puedo salir, tengo una consulta del dentista mañana.

English translation of No puedo salir, tengo una consulta del dentista mañana.

I can't go out, I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow.

The example phrase expresses an inability to participate in a proposed activity due to a scheduled appointment with the dentist. It introduces one of the common uses of 'consulta del dentista', referring to a dental check-up or procedure.

Después de la consulta del dentista, sería aconsejable que no comas dulces por un tiempo.

English translation of Después de la consulta del dentista, sería aconsejable que no comas dulces por un tiempo.

After the dentist's appointment, it would be advisable not to eat sweets for a while.

The sentence implies a common post-appointment advice which suggests refraining from eating sweets after a dental procedure. Here 'consulta del dentista' is used to refer to the occurrence of a dental check-up.

Deberías hacer una consulta del dentista si te duele mucho un diente.

English translation of Deberías hacer una consulta del dentista si te duele mucho un diente.

You should make a dentist's appointment if a tooth hurts a lot.

The statement gives advice about booking a dental appointment if experiencing severe toothache. 'Consulta del dentista' in this context refers to visiting the dentist for dental consultation due to dental issues.

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