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construir una sinagoga

English translation of construir una sinagoga

build a synagogue

The Spanish phrase 'construir una sinagoga' translates to 'build a synagogue' in English. It is an action phrase commonly used in the context of architecture or religious discussions. 'Construir' is a verb which means 'to build' and 'una sinagoga' is a noun that translates to 'a synagogue'. Synagogue is a building where Jewish people meet to worship or pray. Therefore, when someone says 'construir una sinagoga', they are talking about the act of constructing or establishing a place for Jewish worship.

Example sentences using: construir una sinagoga

Estoy planeando construir una sinagoga en mi ciudad natal.

English translation of Estoy planeando construir una sinagoga en mi ciudad natal.

I am planning to build a synagogue in my hometown.

In this sentence, the speaker expresses his future plans of constructing a synagogue in the city where he was born and raised.

El alcalde aprobó nuestro proyecto para construir una sinagoga.

English translation of El alcalde aprobó nuestro proyecto para construir una sinagoga.

The mayor approved our project to build a synagogue.

This phrase signifies that the project proposed by the speaker for the construction of a synagogue has been sanctioned by the city's administrative head, the mayor.

Para construir una sinagoga, necesitamos recaudar fondos.

English translation of Para construir una sinagoga, necesitamos recaudar fondos.

To build a synagogue, we need to raise funds.

This sentence indicates that monetary resources need to be gathered before the process of synagogue construction can commence.

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