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construir una mezquita

English translation of construir una mezquita

build a mosque

The Spanish phrase 'construir una mezquita' translates to 'build a mosque' in English. This phrase would typically be used in a context where the conversation pertains to architecture, religion, or city planning. 'Construir' is a verb that means 'to build' and 'una mezquita' is a feminine noun that translates to 'a mosque'. The word 'mezquita' is used frequently in Spanish-speaking countries with Islamic historical influences or presents Islamic communities.

Example sentences using: construir una mezquita

Queremos construir una mezquita en nuestro vecindario.

English translation of Queremos construir una mezquita en nuestro vecindario.

We want to build a mosque in our neighborhood.

In this sentence, the subject 'We' have a desire to construct a mosque within the area they live. It suggests a sense of community and a shared religion.

Las leyes locales pueden dificultar construir una mezquita.

English translation of Las leyes locales pueden dificultar construir una mezquita.

Local laws may make it difficult to build a mosque.

This sentence implies that the local regulations or laws in place can pose challenges or complications to the construction of a mosque. It reflects on legal constraints for construction of religious institutions in certain areas.

Es importante obtener el permiso necesario antes de construir una mezquita.

English translation of Es importante obtener el permiso necesario antes de construir una mezquita.

It's important to get the necessary permission before building a mosque.

This sentence states the importance of legal permissions required before the construction of a mosque, highlighting the need to follow legal procedures before construction of any building.

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