build an aqueduct
The Spanish phrase 'construir un acueducto' translates to 'build an aqueduct' in English. An aqueduct is a bridge-like system built to move water from one location to another. In this context, 'construir' means 'to build', 'un' means 'an', and 'acueducto' means 'aqueduct'. This phrase could be used in the context of construction or history, describing the action of creating such a structure.
I'm planning to build an aqueduct to bring water to my town.
In this sentence, the phrase 'construir un acueducto' is used to express a personal idea of a major project that is intended to provide a solution to a problem - lack of water in a town.
Archaeologists believe that the Romans took a hundred years to build an aqueduct that crosses this mountain.
In this context, the phrase 'construir un acueducto' is used to describe a historical fact related to the Roman era. It emphasises the magnitude and complexity of building such a structure during that time.
Building an aqueduct of this size will require a significant investment.
This sentence uses 'construir un acueducto' to discuss the financial implications of a large project. It highlights the link between the complexity of a project and the resources required to complete it.