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English translation of constelación


The Spanish word 'constelación' translates to 'constellation' in English. In astronomy, a constellation is commonly understood to mean a group of stars that have been given a name, typically related to a mythological figure. There are 88 recognized constellations in total. The word can also be used more broadly to refer to any group of things or even ideas that are related or share some common feature. In Spanish, just like in English, it's commonly used in a literal astronomical context, but can also figuratively refer to a notable group of people or things.

Example sentences using: constelación

La constelación de Orión es muy visible en el cielo nocturno.

English translation of La constelación de Orión es muy visible en el cielo nocturno.

The constellation of Orion is very visible in the night sky.

This sentence uses the word 'constelación' to talk about a specific constellation, Orion, and how it is clearly visible in the night sky.

Estoy aprendiendo sobre la constelación de la Osa Mayor.

English translation of Estoy aprendiendo sobre la constelación de la Osa Mayor.

I am learning about the Ursa Major constellation.

In this example, the person is expressing that they are in the process of learning about a specific constellation, Ursa Major, using the word 'constelación'.

Identificar una constelación puede ser desafiante sin un telescopio.

English translation of Identificar una constelación puede ser desafiante sin un telescopio.

Identifying a constellation can be challenging without a telescope.

This sentence discusses the difficulty that can be experienced when trying to identify a constellation without the aid of a telescope. Again, 'constelación' is used to refer to a constellation.

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