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conservar la naturaleza

English translation of conservar la naturaleza

preserve nature

The Spanish phrase 'conservar la naturaleza' translates to 'preserve nature' in English. It is used to emphasize the importance of protecting and maintaining the natural environment against harmful human activities. This phrase is often used in context where sustainability, environmental conservation and biodiversity are areas of discussion.

Example sentences using: conservar la naturaleza

Es importante conservar la naturaleza para las futuras generaciones.

English translation of Es importante conservar la naturaleza para las futuras generaciones.

It is important to preserve nature for future generations.

This phrase emphasizes the need to take care of our environment, so future generations can enjoy it. 'Conservar la naturaleza' means 'to preserve nature', and 'para las futuras generaciones' means 'for future generations'.

Para conservar la naturaleza, tenemos que reducir, reutilizar y reciclar.

English translation of Para conservar la naturaleza, tenemos que reducir, reutilizar y reciclar.

To preserve nature, we have to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

This phrase is a call to action, highlighting the importance of reduction, reuse, and recycling in the preservation of nature. 'Para conservar la naturaleza' means 'to preserve nature', and 'tenemos que reducir, reutilizar y reciclar' translates to 'we have to reduce, reuse, and recycle'.

Conservar la naturaleza es nuestro deber como ciudadanos del planeta.

English translation of Conservar la naturaleza es nuestro deber como ciudadanos del planeta.

Preserving nature is our duty as citizens of the planet.

This phrase states that, as inhabitants of Earth, it is a responsibility to take care of our environment. 'Conservar la naturaleza' translates to 'preserve nature', and 'es nuestro deber como ciudadanos del planeta' means 'it is our duty as citizens of the planet'.

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