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consejo de guerra

English translation of consejo de guerra

War Council

The Spanish term 'consejo de guerra' translates into English as 'war council'. This phrase is often used in military context to refer to a group of military leaders who make important decisions about war strategy, policy, and operations. A war council is a group that usually consists of high-ranking military officials and, at times, political leaders as well. They gather to discuss, plan, and sometimes decide about matters pertaining to war. However, beyond the literal meaning, 'consejo de guerra' can also be used metaphorically in certain situations where important decisions need to be taken collectively, even outside of a military context.

Example sentences using: consejo de guerra

El general lideró el consejo de guerra.

English translation of El general lideró el consejo de guerra.

The general led the war council.

This sentence is used to depict a situation where a high-ranking military official, the general, is in charge of a war council, known as 'consejo de guerra' in Spanish.

Durante el consejo de guerra, se trataron asuntos de gran importancia.

English translation of Durante el consejo de guerra, se trataron asuntos de gran importancia.

During the war council, matters of great importance were discussed.

In this example, the phrase 'consejo de guerra' refers to a formal meeting or assembly in a military context, where critical issues or strategies are discussed.

Fue acusado en el consejo de guerra por deserción.

English translation of Fue acusado en el consejo de guerra por deserción.

He was accused of desertion at the war council.

This phrase suggests that at the 'consejo de guerra' or war council, a person was charged with the crime of desertion or abandoning their military duty.

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