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Consejero de Medio Ambiente

English translation of Consejero de Medio Ambiente

Environmental Counsellor

The Spanish term 'Consejero de Medio Ambiente' translates to 'Environmental Counsellor' in English. This term is very common in the fields of environmental conservation and politics. An Environmental Counsellor typically advises on matters related to environmental policy, conservation strategies, and sustainable practices. This can relate to a variety of contexts such as government, corporations, or non-governmental organizations. The overall objective of an Environmental Counsellor is to help ensure the health and sustainability of the environment and its numerous ecosystems.

Example sentences using: Consejero de Medio Ambiente

Manuel es el Consejero de Medio Ambiente en nuestra comunidad.

English translation of Manuel es el Consejero de Medio Ambiente en nuestra comunidad.

Manuel is the Environmental Advisor in our community.

In this sentence, Manuel is identified as the Environmental Advisor in the speaker's community. This title indicates that he is responsible for advising on environmental issues.

El Consejero de Medio Ambiente debe aprobar este proyecto antes de que pueda comenzar.

English translation of El Consejero de Medio Ambiente debe aprobar este proyecto antes de que pueda comenzar.

The Environmental Advisor must approve this project before it can start.

This sentence expresses the requirement of approval from the Environmental Advisor for a certain project. It implies that the role of the Environmental Advisor is essential in the decision making process concerning environmental matters in this context.

En la reunión de ayer, el Consejero de Medio Ambiente presentó un informe detallado sobre la contaminación del aire.

English translation of En la reunión de ayer, el Consejero de Medio Ambiente presentó un informe detallado sobre la contaminación del aire.

At yesterday's meeting, the Environmental Advisor presented a detailed report on air pollution.

This statement describes an event where the Environmental Advisor made a presentation on a specific environmental issue. This shows that part of the Environmental Advisor's role involves conducting detailed research and presenting findings to interested parties.

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