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Consejería de Medio Ambiente

English translation of Consejería de Medio Ambiente

Environmental Counseling

The term 'Consejería de Medio Ambiente' is Spanish for Environmental Counseling. This term is generally used to refer to a department or agency within Spanish-speaking governments responsible for the enforcement, regulation and administration of environmental policies and preservation. Other related tasks might involve the provision of counseling on environmental matters such as conservation, pollution control, and sustainable management of natural resources. Its English equivalent would typically refer to an environmental agency or department at various levels of government.

Example sentences using: Consejería de Medio Ambiente

La Consejería de Medio Ambiente está liderando un proyecto para proteger el bosque tropical.

English translation of La Consejería de Medio Ambiente está liderando un proyecto para proteger el bosque tropical.

The Department of the Environment is leading a project to protect the rainforest.

In this sentence, we are emphasizing the role of the Department of the Environment in an initiative related to environmental conservation.

Es responsabilidad de la Consejería de Medio Ambiente garantizar la calidad del aire en nuestra ciudad.

English translation of Es responsabilidad de la Consejería de Medio Ambiente garantizar la calidad del aire en nuestra ciudad.

It is the responsibility of the Department of Environment to ensure the air quality in our city.

This sentence places the responsibility of maintaining air quality in a city on the Department of the Environment.

English translation of Para resolver cualquier problema relacionado con el reciclaje, debe contactar a la Consejería de Medio Ambiente.

To resolve any issues related to recycling, you should contact the Department of the Environment.

This sentence implies that the Department of the Environment would handle or address issues related to recycling.

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