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Consejería de Educación

English translation of Consejería de Educación

Department of Education

The Spanish term 'Consejería de Educación' translates to 'Department of Education' in English. It is a government entity responsible for managing education policies, and it oversees various aspects of the educational system such as curriculum, school standards, teacher qualifications, and student welfare. It plays a critical role in ensuring quality and efficiency in education, which are vital for the country's development and the individual growth of its students.

Example sentences using: Consejería de Educación

La Consejería de Educación ha emitido nuevas pautas para las escuelas.

English translation of La Consejería de Educación ha emitido nuevas pautas para las escuelas.

The Education Department has issued new guidelines for schools.

This sentence states that new guidelines for schools have been issued by the Education Department.

Todos los maestros deben estar certificados por la Consejería de Educación.

English translation of Todos los maestros deben estar certificados por la Consejería de Educación.

All teachers must be certified by the Education Department.

This remark mandates that every teacher needs to be certified by the Education Department.

La Consejería de Educación se reunirá para discutir las reformas educativas.

English translation of La Consejería de Educación se reunirá para discutir las reformas educativas.

The Education Department will meet to discuss educational reforms.

This phrase indicates that there will be a meeting by the Education Department to talk about educational reforms.

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