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English translation of confesionario


The Spanish word 'confesionario' translates to 'confessional' in English. It is a noun and refers to a small, enclosed booth used for the Sacrament of Penance in the Roman Catholic Church. The confessional is where faithful individuals confess their sins to a priest and seek absolution. The term can also metaphorically refer to any situation where a confession or the disclosure of sins, misdeeds or embarrassing information is made.

Example sentences using: confesionario

El sacerdote está en el confesionario.

English translation of El sacerdote está en el confesionario.

The priest is in the confessional.

In this sentence, 'confesionario' refers to the small, enclosed booth in a church where a priest sits to hear people's confessions.

El confesionario se encuentra al final de la iglesia.

English translation of El confesionario se encuentra al final de la iglesia.

The confessional is at the end of the church.

Here, 'confesionario' is used to describe a physical location within a church. The sentence implies that the confessional is located at the farthest point in the church.

El acto de confesión se realiza en un confesionario.

English translation of El acto de confesión se realiza en un confesionario.

The act of confession is performed in a confessional.

In this example, 'confesionario' is used in the context of the sacrament of confession in the Catholic Church, where penitents confess their sins to a priest in a booth called a confessional.

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