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English translation of conductor


The Spanish word 'conductor' translates to 'driver' in English. It is used to refer to someone who operates and controls a vehicle such as a car, bus, or train. It holds the same connotations of responsibility and control as it does in English. In Spanish, it can also specifically refer to someone who conducts an orchestra or the person leading a choir.

Example sentences using: conductor

El conductor del autobús está atrasado.

English translation of El conductor del autobús está atrasado.

The bus driver is late.

This sentence uses 'conductor' to mean bus driver indicating the profession. It implies that the person mentioned is the one who drives a bus.

El conductor de la orquesta es muy talentoso.

English translation of El conductor de la orquesta es muy talentoso.

The orchestra conductor is very talented.

Here, 'conductor' refers to the person leading a group of musicians in an orchestra, not someone driving a vehicle. This demonstrates the multiple uses of 'conductor' in different contexts.

Mi padre fue conductor en su juventud.

English translation of Mi padre fue conductor en su juventud.

My father was a driver in his youth.

In this sentence, 'conductor' is used to denote a person who drives, not necessarily as a profession. It could be a taxi driver, truck driver, car driver, or any other vehicle driver.

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