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conducta prudente

English translation of conducta prudente

prudent conduct

The Spanish term 'conducta prudente' translates to 'prudent conduct' in English. It refers to the manner of conducting oneself in a sensible way by not taking unnecessary risks and making careful decisions. Its usage is often in the context of outlining the behavior expected from an individual, particularly in professional or legal scenarios. The behavior or conduct is considered 'prudent' when it demonstrates careful and sensible management of resources or handling of situations.

Example sentences using: conducta prudente

English translation of La conducta prudente no siempre es la más popular, pero es la más segura.

Prudent conduct is not always the most popular, but it is the safest.

This sentence highlights that making wise decisions or behaving cautiously might not always be appreciated by others, but it tends to be the best course of action to avoid risks.

Una conducta prudente puede prevenir muchos problemas.

English translation of Una conducta prudente puede prevenir muchos problemas.

Prudent conduct can prevent many problems.

This suggests that if one behaves cautiously and wisely, it can help avoid numerous issues and conflicts.

Su conducta prudente le ha mantenido sin problemas.

English translation of Su conducta prudente le ha mantenido sin problemas.

Their prudent conduct has kept them out of trouble.

This means that because an individual has consistently acted cautiously and wisely, they have managed to avoid difficulties and complications.

La falta de conducta prudente puede resultar en consecuencias graves.

English translation of La falta de conducta prudente puede resultar en consecuencias graves.

Lack of prudent conduct can result in serious consequences.

This underscores the risks involved if one acts without caution, potentially leading to serious negative outcomes.

La conducta prudente implica considerar todas las opciones antes de decidir.

English translation of La conducta prudente implica considerar todas las opciones antes de decidir.

Prudent conduct implies considering all options before making a decision.

Here, it's highlighted that acting wisely involves carefully contemplating all possibilities before finalizing a choice.

Es importante enseñar a los jóvenes sobre la conducta prudente.

English translation of Es importante enseñar a los jóvenes sobre la conducta prudente.

It's important to teach the young about prudent conduct.

This sentence emphasizes on the significance of imparting knowledge about wise and cautious behavior to young people to equip them better for life.

El líder demostró una conducta prudente al enfrentarse a la crisis.

English translation of El líder demostró una conducta prudente al enfrentarse a la crisis.

The leader demonstrated prudent conduct in dealing with the crisis.

This sentence highlights that the leader displayed wisdom and caution during a crisis which is a desirable trait in leadership.

El éxito en la vida a menudo se atribuye a la conducta prudente.

English translation of El éxito en la vida a menudo se atribuye a la conducta prudente.

Success in life is often attributed to prudent conduct.

This means that achieving success in life is frequently linked to a person's ability to behave wisely and make cautious decisions.

La conducta prudente te protegerá de decisiones precipitadas.

English translation of La conducta prudente te protegerá de decisiones precipitadas.

Prudent conduct will protect you from rash decisions.

It acknowledges that if you behave carefully and wisely, it can save you from making hasty and possibly detrimental decisions.

Nuestra conducta prudente nos ha permitido evitar muchos obstáculos.

English translation of Nuestra conducta prudente nos ha permitido evitar muchos obstáculos.

Our prudent conduct has allowed us to avoid many obstacles.

This statement connotes that by behaving wisely and cautiously, we've been able to steer clear of several hurdles and difficulties.

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