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conducir con precaución

English translation of conducir con precaución

driving with caution

The phrase 'conducir con precaución' is Spanish, it translates into English as 'drive with caution'. Often seen on signs in Spanish-speaking areas, this phrase encourages drivers to proceed carefully to ensure safety on the road. The idea of 'conducción con precaución' becomes especially important in hazardous conditions, such as during heavy rain, in foggy conditions, or when road works are happening. Overall, it's a reminder to drivers to be aware of their surroundings, consider the conditions they're driving in, and make safe decisions accordingly.

Example sentences using: conducir con precaución

Por favor, recuerde conducir con precaución durante la lluvia.

English translation of Por favor, recuerde conducir con precaución durante la lluvia.

Please remember to drive cautiously during the rain.

This sentence is a polite request urging the listener to remember to drive with caution when it's raining, since wet roads can be slippery and dangerous.

Puede evitar accidentes si decide conducir con precaución.

English translation of Puede evitar accidentes si decide conducir con precaución.

You can avoid accidents if you decide to drive cautiously.

The sentence implies that cautious driving is a choice, and by making this choice, one could avoid potential accidents.

Después de obtener su licencia, es importante conducir con precaución.

English translation of Después de obtener su licencia, es importante conducir con precaución.

After getting your license, it is important to drive cautiously.

This sentence is telling the listener that even after obtaining their driving license, which signifies they have proven their ability to drive, they should still be cautious while driving.

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