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condiciones de pago

English translation of condiciones de pago

conditions of payment

'Condiciones de pago' is a Spanish term used in business or financial contexts. It means 'conditions of payment' in English. This refers to the specific terms, conditions, or practices agreed upon between a seller and a buyer regarding payment for goods or services. Generally, these terms include the time allowed for payment, any cash discount, and the type of payment system required.

Example sentences using: condiciones de pago

Las condiciones de pago son mutuamente acordadas por ambas partes.

English translation of Las condiciones de pago son mutuamente acordadas por ambas partes.

The payment conditions are mutually agreed upon by both parties.

This sentence implies a business situation where two parties negotiate and agree upon the terms of payment.

Estoy revisando las condiciones de pago en este contrato.

English translation of Estoy revisando las condiciones de pago en este contrato.

I am reviewing the payment conditions in this contract.

This sentence is said in the context of someone analyzing the payment terms outlined in a contract, most likely before agreeing to it.

Es importante considerar las condiciones de pago antes de firmar cualquier acuerdo.

English translation of Es importante considerar las condiciones de pago antes de firmar cualquier acuerdo.

It is important to consider the payment conditions before signing any agreement.

This sentence is general advice stating that one should always review and understand the payment terms before finalizing a business agreement.

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