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English translation of condenarse


The Spanish word 'condenarse' translates to 'condemnation' in English. It is derived from the verb 'condenar' which means 'to condemn'. This can be used in various contexts like legal, religious, or social, when someone is strongly disapproved or criticized. For instance, in a legal context, it may refer to a severe penal sentence. In a religious context, it might refer to divine punishment. However, usage will often vary based on context.

Example sentences using: condenarse

No quiero correr el riesgo de condenarme solo por complacer a otros.

English translation of No quiero correr el riesgo de condenarme solo por complacer a otros.

I don't want to risk damning myself just to please others.

In this context, 'condenarse' is used to express the speaker's fear of self-condemnation that may come from trying to please others, implying a sacrifice of personal values or wellbeing.

Muchos creen que condenarse es el resultado de no seguir un camino moral.

English translation of Muchos creen que condenarse es el resultado de no seguir un camino moral.

Many believe that damning oneself is the result of not following a moral path.

This sentence expresses the belief of many people that not adhering to a moral path can lead to self-condemnation, 'condenarse' is used in a literal sense referring to spiritual or moral condemnation.

Es posible condenarse eternamente por las decisiones equivocadas.

English translation of Es posible condenarse eternamente por las decisiones equivocadas.

It is possible to damn oneself forever because of the wrong decisions.

The sentence describes that wrong decisions can forever lead to a person's own condemnation, possibly in a moral or spiritual context. The verb 'condenarse' is used figuratively.

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