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English translation of concepto


The Spanish word 'concepto' translates to 'concept' in English. It is a noun and it is used to refer to an abstract idea or a mental construct derived from thinking, understanding, or imagining. It can be used in various contexts in daily communications. An example of its usage could be: 'He explicado el concepto a ellos' which means 'I have explained the concept to them'.

Example sentences using: concepto

No entiendo el concepto de gravedad.

English translation of No entiendo el concepto de gravedad.

I do not understand the concept of gravity.

This sentence expresses a lack of understanding or confusion about the concept or idea of gravity. It could be spoken in an educational or scientific context.

El concepto de libertad es muy importante en filosofía.

English translation of El concepto de libertad es muy importante en filosofía.

The concept of freedom is very important in philosophy.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of the idea or concept of freedom within the field of philosophy. It is expected that this phrase might be used in academic discussions or debates.

Estoy trabajando en un nuevo concepto de arte.

English translation of Estoy trabajando en un nuevo concepto de arte.

I am working on a new concept of art.

This sentence expresses that the speaker is working on a new idea or concept in the field of art. This can relate to an artist coming up with new techniques, styles, or forms of expression in their artwork.

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