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English translation of común


The Spanish word 'común' is used similarly to the English word 'common'. It is applied to describe something that is usual, typical, or can be seen or found often. It's a common adjective for items or characteristics that are not unique or special and can be seen in many places or situations. In some contexts, it also means something shared by all.

Example sentences using: común

Todos tenemos algo en común.

English translation of Todos tenemos algo en común.

We all have something in common.

This phrase means that everyone shares at least one similarity or common characteristic.

Esa actitud no es común en él.

English translation of Esa actitud no es común en él.

That attitude is not common in him.

This phrase is used to express that a particular behavior or attitude is not usually displayed by a person.

Comer pizza los viernes es común para nosotros.

English translation of Comer pizza los viernes es común para nosotros.

Eating pizza on Fridays is common for us.

This phrase shows the word 'common' is being used to express a habitual or usual activity for a group of people.

Es común que llueva en abril.

English translation of Es común que llueva en abril.

It's common that it rains in April.

The phrase is used to state the commonness or typicality of a certain weather condition in a specific month.

No es común ver nieve en esta ciudad.

English translation of No es común ver nieve en esta ciudad.

It's not common to see snow in this city.

This phrase indicates that the occurrence of snow is unusual or unexpected in the mentioned city.

Esta es una experiencia muy común entre los estudiantes.

English translation of Esta es una experiencia muy común entre los estudiantes.

This is a very common experience among students.

This sentence expresses the idea that certain experience regularly occurs among students.

Esta flor es común en la región.

English translation of Esta flor es común en la región.

This flower is common in the region.

The sentence states that a particular type of flower is usually found or prevalent in a specific region.

Es común sentirse así después del ejercicio.

English translation of Es común sentirse así después del ejercicio.

It's common to feel this way after exercise.

The phrase expresses that feeling a certain way after exercising is a normal or regular occurrence.

Es muy común en la adolescencia sentirse incomprendido.

English translation of Es muy común en la adolescencia sentirse incomprendido.

It's very common in adolescence to feel misunderstood.

This sentence describes that feeling of being misunderstood is a typical experience during adolescence.

Es común encontrar gatos en este barrio.

English translation of Es común encontrar gatos en este barrio.

It's common to find cats in this neighborhood.

In this context, the term 'common' is used to denote something that is usual or expected.

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