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compromiso ideológico

English translation of compromiso ideológico

ideological commitment

The term 'compromiso ideológico' in Spanish translates to 'ideological commitment' in English. This phrase refers to a strong dedication or commitment towards a specific ideology, such as political, philosophical, or religious beliefs. It implies that the individual or group is committed to certain ideas or principles and would consistently act or make decisions that are aligned with these beliefs.

Example sentences using: compromiso ideológico

El compromiso ideológico de Marta ha sido fundamental para su carrera política.

English translation of El compromiso ideológico de Marta ha sido fundamental para su carrera política.

Marta's ideological commitment has been fundamental to her political career.

In this sentence, we talk about Marta using her ideological commitment, which refers to her belief in a particular political or social philosophy, as something that has shaped and is essential to her political career.

A causa de su compromiso ideológico, Antonio no podía aceptar el puesto en esa empresa.

English translation of A causa de su compromiso ideológico, Antonio no podía aceptar el puesto en esa empresa.

Due to his ideological commitment, Antonio couldn't accept the position at that company.

Here we discuss Antonio, whose strong belief in certain values and principles he holds dear (his ideological commitment), prevents him from taking a job at a company that may not align with these views.

Nuestro compromiso ideológico nos impulsa a buscar soluciones sostenibles para el medio ambiente.

English translation of Nuestro compromiso ideológico nos impulsa a buscar soluciones sostenibles para el medio ambiente.

Our ideological commitment drives us to seek sustainable solutions for the environment.

In this example, 'our ideological commitment' functions as a motivational force, pushing us to find solutions that are beneficial for the environment as we believe it is the right, irrefutable course of action.

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