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comprobar un cálculo

English translation of comprobar un cálculo

check a calculation

The phrase 'comprobar un cálculo' in Spanish translates to 'check a calculation' in English. This could be used in situations such as in mathematics or finance where you need to verify the correctness of a calculation. This phrase is composed of the verb 'comprobar' which means 'to check' and 'un cálculo' which means 'a calculation'. While this phrase holds a literal meaning, it is used in a myriad of contexts where something needs to be verified or proven.

Example sentences using: comprobar un cálculo

Antes de entregar tu trabajo, asegúrate de comprobar un cálculo.

English translation of Antes de entregar tu trabajo, asegúrate de comprobar un cálculo.

Before handing in your work, make sure to check a calculation.

This sentence gives advice to ensure accuracy on work by doing a checking process prior to submission. It implies that the subject needs to double-check a specific calculation.

El profesor insistió en que debíamos comprobar un cálculo antes de continuar.

English translation of El profesor insistió en que debíamos comprobar un cálculo antes de continuar.

The professor insisted that we had to check a calculation before continuing.

This sentence portrays a situation in a classroom setting where the professor is stressing on the importance of verifying a calculation before moving forward in order to prevent any potential error.

Puede que te lleve algún tiempo comprobar un cálculo, pero evita errores.

English translation of Puede que te lleve algún tiempo comprobar un cálculo, pero evita errores.

It might take you some time to check a calculation, but it prevents mistakes.

In this sentence, the rationale behind checking a calculation is given. Despite it being time-consuming, it is mentioned as a preventative measure against possible mistakes.

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