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comportarse mal

English translation of comportarse mal

behave badly

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse mal' translates to 'behave badly' in English. It is commonly used to describe someone who is not acting according to societal or established norms. This phrase can be applicable in a variety of contexts, such as in a classroom setting, in social gatherings, or when referring to the conduct of an individual. It could also be used to imply that someone is misbehaving or not following rules.

Example sentences using: comportarse mal

Es importante educar a los niños para que no se comporten mal.

English translation of Es importante educar a los niños para que no se comporten mal.

It is important to educate children so that they do not misbehave.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of good conduct in children, indicating that education should prevent misconduct.

Ella tiende a comportarse mal cuando no duerme lo suficiente.

English translation of Ella tiende a comportarse mal cuando no duerme lo suficiente.

She tends to misbehave when she does not get enough sleep.

In this sentence, bad behavior is connected to lack of sleep, suggesting that sufficient rest can influence behavior.

Mi perro empezó a comportarse mal después de la mudanza.

English translation of Mi perro empezó a comportarse mal después de la mudanza.

My dog started misbehaving after the move.

This phrase suggests that changes in environment, like moving, can cause animals to act out.

El maestro siempre llama a los padres de los alumnos que se comportan mal.

English translation of El maestro siempre llama a los padres de los alumnos que se comportan mal.

The teacher always calls the parents of students who misbehave.

This sentence explains a common disciplinary method used by teachers when students misbehave at school.

Es normal que los adolescentes a veces se comporten mal.

English translation of Es normal que los adolescentes a veces se comporten mal.

It's normal for teenagers to sometimes misbehave.

This example suggests that some level of misbehavior can be expected during adolescence.

Si te comportas mal, se te prohibirá usar el ordenador.

English translation of Si te comportas mal, se te prohibirá usar el ordenador.

If you misbehave, you will be banned from using the computer.

This sentence sets a specific consequence for misbehavior.

Comportarse mal en público es inaceptable.

English translation of Comportarse mal en público es inaceptable.

Misbehaving in public is unacceptable.

This sentence highlights a societal expectation of proper behavior in public places.

Cuando los niños se comportan mal, a menudo es porque buscan atención.

English translation of Cuando los niños se comportan mal, a menudo es porque buscan atención.

When children misbehave, it's often because they're seeking attention.

This example suggests that seeking attention can be an underlying cause of misbehavior in children.

Fumar en un lugar donde está prohibido es un ejemplo de comportarse mal.

English translation of Fumar en un lugar donde está prohibido es un ejemplo de comportarse mal.

Smoking in a place where it's forbidden is an example of misbehaving.

This sentence offers a specific example of misbehavior, relating to violating rules about smoking.

Esperamos que nuestros huéspedes no se comporten mal durante su estancia.

English translation of Esperamos que nuestros huéspedes no se comporten mal durante su estancia.

We expect our guests to not misbehave during their stay.

This sentence discusses expectations of guest behavior in places like hotels or Airbnb rentals.

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