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comportarse diplomáticamente

English translation of comportarse diplomáticamente

conduct diplomatically

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse diplomáticamente' translates to 'conduct diplomatically' in English. This phrase is a verb that indicates the action of behaving or acting in a diplomatic manner. Diplomatic conduct is about managing relations in a tactful and effective manner, especially in dealing with sensitive issues or people to avoid causing offence. This phrase is commonly used in context where diplomatic skills - such as negotiation, conflict resolution, and public speaking - are required.

Example sentences using: comportarse diplomáticamente

Pedro siempre ha sabido cómo comportarse diplomáticamente en situaciones difíciles.

English translation of Pedro siempre ha sabido cómo comportarse diplomáticamente en situaciones difíciles.

Pedro has always known how to behave diplomatically in difficult situations.

This statement highlights the diplomatic nature of Pedro during challenging times.

Para comportarse diplomáticamente, es fundamental tener paciencia.

English translation of Para comportarse diplomáticamente, es fundamental tener paciencia.

To behave diplomatically, it's fundamental to have patience.

This statement emphasizes the importance of patience to maintain diplomatic behavior.

Aunque estaba enfadado, Juan logró comportarse diplomáticamente.

English translation of Aunque estaba enfadado, Juan logró comportarse diplomáticamente.

Even though he was angry, Juan managed to behave diplomatically.

This statement underscores Juan's capability to exhibit diplomatic behavior despite being angry.

Debemos comportarnos diplomáticamente para resolver este conflicto.

English translation of Debemos comportarnos diplomáticamente para resolver este conflicto.

We must behave diplomatically to resolve this conflict.

This sentence underlines the necessity of diplomatic behavior in the resolution of conflicts.

Si te vas a comportar diplomáticamente, tendrás que aprender a controlar tus emociones.

English translation of Si te vas a comportar diplomáticamente, tendrás que aprender a controlar tus emociones.

If you're going to behave diplomatically, you'll have to learn to control your emotions.

This statement states that controlling one's emotions is key to diplomatic behavior.

A pesar de sus diferencias, lograron comportarse diplomáticamente.

English translation of A pesar de sus diferencias, lograron comportarse diplomáticamente.

Despite their differences, they managed to behave diplomatically.

This phrase suggests that people had managed to be diplomatic despite their differences.

Es importante comportarse diplomáticamente en conversaciones delicadas.

English translation of Es importante comportarse diplomáticamente en conversaciones delicadas.

It's important to behave diplomatically in delicate conversations.

This sentence highlights the significance of diplomatic behavior in sensitive discussions.

Es difícil comportarse diplomáticamente cuando las emociones están a flor de piel.

English translation of Es difícil comportarse diplomáticamente cuando las emociones están a flor de piel.

It's difficult to behave diplomatically when emotions are running high.

This sentence emphasizes the difficulty of maintaining diplomatic behavior in highly emotional situations.

Ana se esfuerza por comportarse diplomáticamente en todas las situaciones.

English translation of Ana se esfuerza por comportarse diplomáticamente en todas las situaciones.

Ana strives to behave diplomatically in all situations.

This phrase indicates Ana's continual effort to maintain diplomatic behavior in every situation.

Uno debe aprender a comportarse diplomáticamente en reuniones de negocios.

English translation of Uno debe aprender a comportarse diplomáticamente en reuniones de negocios.

One must learn to behave diplomatically in business meetings.

This sentence suggests the importance of diplomatic behavior, especially in a formal setting like business meetings.

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