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comportarse civilizadamente

English translation of comportarse civilizadamente

behave civilly

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse civilizadamente' translates to 'behave civilly' in English. It is an instruction needing one to act in a civil, polite, or courteous manner. This phrase could be used in formal situations or when someone wants to advice another person to conduct themselves in a respectful or polite way. It encompasses the idea that appropriate and considerate behavior aligns with accepted social norms or etiquette.

Example sentences using: comportarse civilizadamente

Es importante comportarse civilizadamente en todas las situaciones.

English translation of Es importante comportarse civilizadamente en todas las situaciones.

It is important to behave civilly in all situations.

This sentence emphasizes the universal necessity of maintaining civilized behavior regardless of the setting.

Mi mamá siempre me recordaba que debía comportarme civilizadamente.

English translation of Mi mamá siempre me recordaba que debía comportarme civilizadamente.

My mom always reminded me to behave civilly.

This sentence describes a parental figure stressing the importance of civilized behavior.

En esta clase, espero que todos se comporten civilizadamente.

English translation of En esta clase, espero que todos se comporten civilizadamente.

In this class, I expect everyone to behave civilly.

Here, the speaker is a teacher conveying their expectations about the students' behavior.

La ley requiere que todos nos comportemos civilizadamente.

English translation of La ley requiere que todos nos comportemos civilizadamente.

The law requires everyone to behave civilly.

This phrase refers to a legislative demand for maintaining civilized behavior.

El libro enseña a los niños a comportarse civilizadamente.

English translation of El libro enseña a los niños a comportarse civilizadamente.

The book teaches children to behave civilly.

This sentence presents a literary work that promotes civilized behavior among children.

Si quieres éxito en la vida, tienes que aprender a comportarte civilizadamente.

English translation of Si quieres éxito en la vida, tienes que aprender a comportarte civilizadamente.

If you want success in life, you have to learn to behave civilly.

This phrase is a life advice about the importance of being civilized for achieving success.

Cómo comportarse civilizadamente es algo que todos deberíamos aprender.

English translation of Cómo comportarse civilizadamente es algo que todos deberíamos aprender.

How to behave civilly is something that everyone should learn.

This sentence emphasizes the universality of the lesson in civil behaviour.

Decidí comportarme civilizadamente aunque tuviera ganas de gritar.

English translation of Decidí comportarme civilizadamente aunque tuviera ganas de gritar.

I decided to behave civilly even though I wanted to scream.

This phrase expresses a personal decision to remain calm and civilized in a frustrating situation.

Cuando están en público, se supone que deben comportarse civilizadamente.

English translation of Cuando están en público, se supone que deben comportarse civilizadamente.

When they are in public, they are supposed to behave civilly.

This sentence sets an expectation of civilized behavior in public situations.

Comportarse civilizadamente es una regla básica para convivir en sociedad.

English translation of Comportarse civilizadamente es una regla básica para convivir en sociedad.

Behaving civilly is a basic rule for living in society.

This sentence establishes civilized behavior as a fundamental principle for social coexistence.

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