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comportamiento prudente

English translation of comportamiento prudente

prudent behavior

The Spanish term 'comportamiento prudente' translates to 'prudent behavior' in English. It refers to the way an individual behaves that manifests wisdom, caution, or discretion often for the purpose of avoiding harm or risks. It might be used to describe someone's actions in critical or uncertain situations that require practicality and foresight.

Example sentences using: comportamiento prudente

El comportamiento prudente en la política es raro pero valioso.

English translation of El comportamiento prudente en la política es raro pero valioso.

Prudent behavior in politics is rare but valuable.

This sentence expresses an opinion that careful, wise behavior in the field of politics is not common, yet is highly appreciated.

El comportamiento prudente puede prevenir accidentes.

English translation of El comportamiento prudente puede prevenir accidentes.

Prudent behavior can prevent accidents.

This sentence implies that cautious actions and decisions can help avoid dangerous situations or incidents.

Tu comportamiento prudente en la conducción es admirable.

English translation of Tu comportamiento prudente en la conducción es admirable.

Your prudent behavior in driving is admirable.

This statement compliments the person's cautious driving habits, indicating they are worthy of recognition and respect.

Refleja un comportamiento prudente al invertir su dinero.

English translation of Refleja un comportamiento prudente al invertir su dinero.

He shows prudent behavior when investing his money.

This sentence indicates someone's judicious, careful way of handling finances, particularly in the context of investments.

El comportamiento prudente en la vida cotidiana puede llevar a la longevidad.

English translation of El comportamiento prudente en la vida cotidiana puede llevar a la longevidad.

Prudent behavior in daily life can lead to longevity.

This sentence suggests that making wise decisions and careful actions in everyday life can contribute to a longer lifespan.

Ella demuestra comportamiento prudente al estudiar para sus exámenes.

English translation of Ella demuestra comportamiento prudente al estudiar para sus exámenes.

She demonstrates prudent behavior by studying for her exams.

This sentence praises a student's cautious, diligent study habits as a smart way to prepare for tests.

Hay que tener un comportamiento prudente al cruzar la calle.

English translation of Hay que tener un comportamiento prudente al cruzar la calle.

One should have a prudent behavior when crossing the street.

This sentence offers advice, stating that one should be careful and wise when crossing streets in order to prevent possible accidents.

Un comportamiento prudente en el trabajo garantiza tu seguridad.

English translation of Un comportamiento prudente en el trabajo garantiza tu seguridad.

Prudent behavior at work ensures your safety.

This statement advises that practicing caution and smart decision-making at the workplace is crucial for personal safety.

El comportamiento prudente en las redes sociales es esencial.

English translation of El comportamiento prudente en las redes sociales es esencial.

Prudent behavior on social networks is essential.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of being careful and judicious in one's actions and communications on social media platforms.

El comportamiento prudente en las relaciones personales previene conflictos.

English translation of El comportamiento prudente en las relaciones personales previene conflictos.

Prudent behavior in personal relationships prevents conflicts.

This sentence suggests that acting wisely and thoughtfully in personal relationships can help avoid disagreements and fights.

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