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comportamiento discriminatorio

English translation of comportamiento discriminatorio

discriminatory behaviour

The Spanish phrase 'comportamiento discriminatorio' translates to 'discriminatory behaviour' in English. It involves treating or considering a person or group of people differently based on certain characteristics or conditions, such as race, sex, religion, age, or any other attribute. This form of behavior is deemed unjust and unethical in most societies worldwide, as it goes against the principles of fairness and equality.

Example sentences using: comportamiento discriminatorio

El comportamiento discriminatorio no debería ser tolerado en nuestra sociedad.

English translation of El comportamiento discriminatorio no debería ser tolerado en nuestra sociedad.

Discriminatory behavior should not be tolerated in our society.

In this example, the sentence expresses a social stand against any discriminatory behavior. It talks about an ideal situation where society doesn't tolerate any form of discrimination.

Mi escuela implementó una política contra el comportamiento discriminatorio.

English translation of Mi escuela implementó una política contra el comportamiento discriminatorio.

My school implemented a policy against discriminatory behavior.

The sentence describes a school that has taken a proactive measure to prevent discriminatory behavior by implementing a policy.

Una queja por comportamiento discriminatorio puede tener serias consecuencias.

English translation of Una queja por comportamiento discriminatorio puede tener serias consecuencias.

A complaint about discriminatory behavior can have serious consequences.

This example talks about the gravity or seriousness of having a complaint about discriminatory behavior.

English translation of Tu comportamiento discriminatorio te puede llevar a problemas legales.

Your discriminatory behavior can lead you to legal problems.

This example sentence discusses potential legal implications due to discriminatory behavior.

Lloyd fue despedido por comportamiento discriminatorio hacia sus compañeros de trabajo.

English translation of Lloyd fue despedido por comportamiento discriminatorio hacia sus compañeros de trabajo.

Lloyd was fired for discriminatory behavior towards his coworkers.

The sentence recounts an event where someone faced termination due to the discriminatory behavior they exhibited towards their coworkers.

El comportamiento discriminatorio en el lugar de trabajo es ilegal.

English translation of El comportamiento discriminatorio en el lugar de trabajo es ilegal.

Discriminatory behavior in the workplace is illegal.

The example sentence asserts the unlawfulness of discriminatory behavior in professional environments.

Los derechos humanos condenan el comportamiento discriminatorio en todas sus formas.

English translation of Los derechos humanos condenan el comportamiento discriminatorio en todas sus formas.

Human rights condemn discriminatory behavior in all its forms.

This sentence talks about human rights' stand against discriminatory behavior, stating that it is condemned in all its forms.

El comportamiento discriminatorio suele ser el resultado de prejuicios no controlados.

English translation of El comportamiento discriminatorio suele ser el resultado de prejuicios no controlados.

Discriminatory behavior is usually the result of uncontrolled prejudices.

In this example, the source of discriminatory behavior is attributed to uncontrolled prejudices.

El comportamiento discriminatorio puede parecer sutil, pero es muy perjudicial.

English translation of El comportamiento discriminatorio puede parecer sutil, pero es muy perjudicial.

Discriminatory behavior can seem subtle, but it is very harmful.

In this sentence, the deceptive subtleness and harmfulness of discriminatory behavior are emphasized.

Es necesario educar a los niños para prevenir el comportamiento discriminatorio en el futuro.

English translation of Es necesario educar a los niños para prevenir el comportamiento discriminatorio en el futuro.

It is necessary to educate children to prevent discriminatory behavior in the future.

This example conveys the thought that a preventative measure against future discriminatory behavior is to educate our children.

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