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English translation of compasión


The term 'compasión' in Spanish is used to denote a feeling of deep empathy and understanding for the suffering or misfortune of others. It is similar to the English word 'compassion', implying a strong emotion where one wishes to alleviate the pain or distress of another. It can be used in various contexts such as emotional, social, or humanitarian.

Example sentences using: compasión

La compasión es una virtud vital en muchas religiones.

English translation of La compasión es una virtud vital en muchas religiones.

Compassion is a vital virtue in many religions.

This sentence implies that the quality of compassion plays a significant role, morally or spiritually, in several religious belief systems.

La compasión no debe confundirse con la debilidad.

English translation of La compasión no debe confundirse con la debilidad.

Compassion should not be mistaken for weakness.

This sentence communicates the idea that even though compassion involves empathy and understanding, it should not be misconstrued as a lack of strength or firmness.

Los que menos tienen a menudo muestran la mayor compasión.

English translation of Los que menos tienen a menudo muestran la mayor compasión.

Those who have the least often show the most compassion.

This sentence underlines the observation that people who have fewer resources are often those who exhibit the greatest depth of compassion for others.

La compasión hacia los animales es una cualidad que debe enseñarse desde la infancia.

English translation of La compasión hacia los animales es una cualidad que debe enseñarse desde la infancia.

Compassion towards animals is a quality that should be taught from childhood.

This sentence highlights the notion that feelings of compassion toward animals is something that should be instilled in children from a young age.

Su falta de compasión hacia los demás reveló su verdadero carácter.

English translation of Su falta de compasión hacia los demás reveló su verdadero carácter.

His lack of compassion for others revealed his true character.

This sentence indicates that the man's true character was shown in his lack of heartfelt concern for others.

Cuando actúas con compasión, haces del mundo un lugar mejor.

English translation of Cuando actúas con compasión, haces del mundo un lugar mejor.

When you act with compassion, you make the world a better place.

This sentence communicates the positive impact that acts of kindness and understanding can have on the world.

La compasión es el corazón del trabajo social.

English translation of La compasión es el corazón del trabajo social.

Compassion is at the heart of social work.

This sentence implies that empathic concern for others is a fundamental part of social work profession.

Sólo a través de la compasión, podemos entender verdaderamente a los demás.

English translation of Sólo a través de la compasión, podemos entender verdaderamente a los demás.

Only through compassion can we truly understand others.

This sentence underlines the belief that empathy is a vital component in understanding the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of others.

La luz en sus ojos reflejaba la compasión que sentía por los menos afortunados.

English translation of La luz en sus ojos reflejaba la compasión que sentía por los menos afortunados.

The light in her eyes reflected the compassion she felt for the less fortunate.

This sentence demonstrates how the woman's compassion for the less fortunate shows through the expressions on her face, specifically in her eyes.

Su compasión por los niños abandonados la llevó a adoptar un niño.

English translation of Su compasión por los niños abandonados la llevó a adoptar un niño.

Her compassion for abandoned children led her to adopt a child.

This sentence shows that it was the woman's compassion for abandoned kids that compelled her to adopt a child.

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