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comparecer en un juicio

English translation of comparecer en un juicio

appearing in a trial

The Spanish phrase 'comparecer en un juicio' translates to 'appearing in a trial' in English. This phrase is typically used within legal contexts and refers to the act of being present or attending court for a legal proceeding. It includes not only the individual on trial, but also witnesses, lawyers, and other relevant parties. The phrase can have various connotations based on the specific context, ranging from mandatory court appearances ordered by a judge, to voluntary attendance for offering support or witnessing the proceedings.

Example sentences using: comparecer en un juicio

El acusado tiene que comparecer en un juicio la próxima semana.

English translation of El acusado tiene que comparecer en un juicio la próxima semana.

The defendant has to appear in a trial next week.

This phrase is used in a legal context where a person, the 'defendant', needs to be present at a court proceeding, the 'trial', happening in a future time period, specifically 'next week'.

English translation of Si no logras comparecer en un juicio, puedes tener problemas legales serios.

If you fail to appear in a trial, you may face serious legal problems.

This sentence warns about the potential adverse consequences, particularly 'serious legal problems', that might arise if someone does not fulfill their obligation to 'appear in a trial'. It conveys the importance of respecting legal procedures and commitments.

Comparecer en un juicio sin preparación es un gran riesgo.

English translation of Comparecer en un juicio sin preparación es un gran riesgo.

Appearing in a trial unprepared is a great risk.

This phrase is cautioning about the big 'risk' associated with being in a 'trial' without proper 'preparation'. It underlines the importance of being ready and adequately prepared for court proceedings.

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